![]() 'Clerks' had been over-praised, 'Mallrats' had been over-bashed. We'd been to both ends of the spectrum. The third time is always supposed to be the charm, so we were able to approach 'Chasing Amy' from a very liberated position: what better could they ever say about us than they did the first time, and what worse could they ever say about us than they did the second time. And that made it somewhat easy to make an honest film. It's no secret that the origins of 'Amy' reside in my relationship with Joey. Granted, she's not gay, and I've never fallen in love with a lesbian, but the movie did grow out of my temporary inability to deal with Joey's past (not that it was anything like Alyssa's; I don't want ya'll running around thinking Joey's nickname was 'Finger Cuffs' or anything). When we first started dating, it became very apparent just how different we were from one another. They say opposites attract; but they don't say anything about opposites staying together after said attraction (they usually stink, in my opinion... whoever they may be). I was a guy from Highlands, New Jersey, content to live and die in the same twenty mile radius I'd spent almost all of my life in to that point. She was from North Little Rock, Arkansas, but you wouldn't know it. Joey'd done some traveling, living in Australia, Bali, New Orleans, San Diego, and then settling in Los Angeles. I like my gatherings small and intimate; Joey likes her's huge, loud, and loaded with spirits of many kinds. But these were nothing compared to the differences in our sexual history.
If you were to list the type of person I'd never - in theory - be able to deal with in a relationship, you'd basically be drafting Joey. And after the initial dating bliss subsided, this dark sentiment began to sink in. It took some time to work through, but we eventually did it (never underestimate the strangle-hold that a lifetime of a singular point of view can have on you; we still work through residual negativity of that crap to this day). But most the most effective therapy, I think, was writing, shooting, and now showing 'Chasing Amy'.
And believe me - that's scary. But aside from that stuff, there are the laughs. I find this flick funnier than 'Clerks' or 'Mallrats'. The humor, while often racey, is well-developed (and as much as I love 'Clerks', I mean, come on - that fucking-the-dead-guy bit was so easy). I was proud of the fact that, even though we're dealing with a pair of friends again, there is no 'straight man' per se' (although using that term in this flick can be dicey) - Ben and Jason bounce off one another even- ly. And the 'Jaws' scene to me represents everything that is great about independent film (because there was a version of this scene in 'Rats', and the studio made me take it out). I love this flick to death. This will always be closest to my heart for reasons obvious and not-so-obvious. And it makes a hell of a palate-cleanser for 'Dogma'. I grew up making this movie, both in craft and in general. I hope it gets you somewhere... preferably in the heart.