Following up on the success of the Clerks X Tenth Anniversary DVD is the Mallrats X Tenth Anniversary DVD which will hit shelves in Fall 2005. Expect this DVD to follow the high quality features and production that the highly praised Clerks X DVD contained. Old Info: Vincent Says: Hey all, Just wanted to drop a line and say that Kevin, Scott, and I checked out the short "documentary" that'll be included on the MALLRATS S.E., and were most pleased- it's short (about 20 minutes), but concisely jam-packed full of info and hilarious anecdotes, featuring new interviews with Kevin, Scott, Mewes, Jason Lee, Ben Affleck, and Walter and Bryan ("Fanboy" and "Steve-Dave" themselves). We were all estatic with the piece and laughed out loud several times as we watched it this afternoon, and it'll make a great addition to the already filled-to-the-brim DVD/LD- kudos to J.M Kenny, the producer of the disc from Universal, for doing a fantastic job on this baby- I know you'll all love it! AND, before you ask, there's still no set-in-stone release date but rest assured, you'll all be among the first to know and this baby is progressing quite nicely.
Kevin Says: Today, it was 'Rats reunion day, as we recorded the commentary for the DVD. It was me, Scott, Ben, Vincent, Lee and Mewes, and we had a grand ol' time. It's some funny (and only slightly informative, to the folks who've spent a lot of time on this site) stuff, and you all have Vincent to thank for what seems like will be an incredibly jam-packed with extras-goodness DVD (and believe me - the irony of such a spectacular, 'Signature Edition' package for such a lambasted cinematic abortion is not lost on the little-flick-that-couldn't's creator). Afterwards, Lee came down and watched 'Dogma' (which he loved), and expressed his desire to pop by the board tomorrow night. In the early afternoon tomorrow, we'll be taping the other video interviews at the Stash (me, Scott, Mewes, Vincent, and Lee), for any interested folks. And, again, this seems like it's going to be a great DVD.
Kevin Says: In other great (but ironic) news, I have something to report that I don't know whether or not I have the authority to, but fuck it, because that's what the board's for, right? We're working on the 'Mallrats' Special Edition. Now for the irony: it's on DVD. Looks like it'll be released sometime after January (the advance on these things is 120 days from delivery of materials), and it'll include the trailer, the video, and all that extra footage some of you have seen. We're also working on getting some dear friends in for a little commentary action, and the box art is going the be the theatrical artwork (thank the Lord). NOTE: This will NOT be a DVD exclusive. The Mallrats SE will also be released in LD format as well.
Kevin Says: Nothing's dotted, nothing's signed, and it could all fall apart at any minute... But in October, Image Laser Discs will be soliciting for... Grab your socks and hose and pull... The MALLRATS SPECIAL EDITION LASER DISC!!!!! That's right, friends - our grass-roots campaign worked (sort of)! The street date is looking like December (around the same time as the 'Amy' disc). Now everyone (not just those who made the trip for the Riders' 'Amy' screening) can see the shit that hit (the floor, that is), along with the available-only-on-this-site-up-until-now Goops/Jay and Silent Bob video! Congrats, folks - you earned it! |