What can I
say? We tried. We made what we thought

was a funny flick.
It previewed well. The studio loved it.

Everyone thought it was going to do well.
It didn't.
Who's to blame: Gramercy? The movie-going public?
Perhaps the blame should be laid
evenly. Gramercy -

though they
tried like hell - couldn't find a campaign that

spoke to more than one
audience. The movie-goers chose

to embrace the really tepid 'Get Shorty'
instead that week-

end, as well as the chick-flick-o-rama 'Now and Then'.

And as for me - well, I thought I could breathe life back

into a dead genre: the raunchy, R-rated teen comedy. Bad

idea? Perhaps. Necessary? Yes, and I'll tell you why.
See, I grew up on those movies; all
through the eight-

ies, it
was stuff like 'Porky's', all the John Landis flicks,

and the twisted classical tragicomedy 'The Last American

And John Hughes movies.
Oh, those Hughes pictures: delicious
teen angst, where

the biggest problem the protagonist had to face was wheth-

er or not they
were going to the prom, or detention on a

Saturday afternoon. I can
recall the day when I called out

sick from my afterschool gig as a busboy
- just so I could

watch 'The Breakfast
Club' the day it came out on video.

Those movies meant a lot to me. I was
raised on them.

were in my blood. So there I am - twenty four, in the

movie business,
everyone asking what I want to do next,

offering me a five million dollar
budget to bring it to life. I

knew sooner or later, I had to make a
mainstream movie -

why not get it out of my
system with the sophmore effort?

Was it irresponsible? Probably.
Somebody gives you a

couple of
million to make a movie, you shouldn't be think-

ing about indulging your
teenage fantasies on their coin.

But regretful though I may be that it tanked, I'll never re-

gret making 'Mallrats'.
The movie occupies a very

cial place in my heart -
and was a necessary flick to

in order to get to 'Chasing Amy', in a weird psychological


They say there's a special God for
children. I'd like to

there's also a special God for movies with a big he-

art that perform poorly at the box office.
And to answer the obvious question - did it hurt when it

Well - duh.
For anyone interested, we've got some pix that

really saw
the light of day. They're behind-the-scenes pho-

tos, as well as just
some cool looking images. You'll find

some press clippings on the movie
(reviews and such), as

well as the rarely-seen
music video (13.9 Megs) we did for

the soundtrack, for the
band 'The Goops'. It may take time

to download,
but it's worth it just to see the choreagraphed

antics of Jay and Silent
Bob. |
