a debate with another filmmaker

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Posted by sonnyboo at on October 28, 1999 at 09:58:32:

I am a screenwriter. I dropped any interest I had in dealing with ANGELIC ENTERTAINMENT when Mark Maine, head of acquisitons from them sent an email stating that ANGELIC ENTERTAINMENT was taking a stand against the film DOGMA.

Following is a direct copy to me reply & his reply, which was well thought out, intellectual, and not exactly a blind faith follower.

Dear Peter,

Thank you for your response regarding the film "Dogma".

In fact, yes I have read the script. I too found the premise to be
compelling. As our press release states I am opposed to the excessive
violence, vulgarity and extremely negative view of Catholics as a faith
group. I did not make an issue of the theological or eschatological nature
of the "Dogma" storyline. This is entertainment after all.

As per your passionate diatribe on judgement, I agree that God has not left
us to judge the souls of others, that right belongs to God alone. God,
however, did give us intellect and discernment, that allows us to determine
right and wrong. I read the script of "Dogma", (an assembly of letters
pressed, (or burned in our case) on to paper, not a living human soul) and
arrived at a conclusion that is apparently different than yours. If that I
have arrived at a different opinion than yours equates an ascertation as a
dictator, what would that make you?

My position, as stated in the press release"The film is based on an
interesting premise, but its execution in the screenplay dilutes the
creativity of
the plot. It is a loss to everyone in the entertainment industry when yet
another good story line becomes secondary to gratuitous scenes and
personal vendettas." It is my express opinion that due to the violence,
vulgarity and negative portrayal of a demographic group, this film is
irresponsible. Should it be censored? No. Should people see it? That's up to
them. Should productions of this type be encouraged? No. Not in my opinion.

In the wake of so many current events, are there not enough films that are
made that gratuitously use violence and defamation which are unnecessary in
the plot. I represent only one company in a very large world. If I wish to
encourage others to support content-responsible film making and oppose or
avoid irresponsible filmmaking, then there is plenty of room for me to do

I hope you enjoy "Dogma" in the theater as much as you did in the script. It
has a very impressive cast.

Oh yes, if you would like to learn more regarding the formation of the
Bible, and what the Apocrypha really is, please peruse the following

C. AD 51-125: The New Testament books are written, but during this same
period other early Christian writings are produced--for example, the Didache
(c. AD 70), 1 Clement (c. 96), the Epistle of Barnabas (c. 100), and the 7
letters of Ignatius of Antioch (c. 110).

C. AD 140: Marcion, a businessman in Rome, teaches that there were two Gods:
Yahweh, the cruel God of the OT, and Abba, the kind father of the NT. So
Marcion eliminates the Old Testament as scriptures and, since he is
anti-Semitic, keeps from the NT only 10 letters of Paul and 2/3 of Luke's
gospel (he deletes references to Jesus' Jewishness). Marcion's "New
Testament"--the first to be compiled--forces the mainstream Church to decide
on a core canon: the four gospels and letters of Paul

C. AD 200: But the periphery of the canon is not yet determined. According
to one list, compiled at Rome c. AD 200 (the Muratorian Canon), the NT
consists of the 4 gospels; Acts; 13 letters of Paul (Hebrews is not
included); 3 of the 7 General Epistles (1-2 John and Jude); and also the
Apocalypse of Peter

AD 367: The earliest extant list of the books of the NT, in exactly the
number and order in which we presently have them, is written by Athanasius,
Bishop of Alexandria, in his Easter letter of 367. [Note: this is well after
the Constantine's Edict of Toleration in 313 A.D.]

C. AD 400: Jerome translates the Bible from Hebrew and Greek into Latin
(called the "Vulgate"). He knows that the Jews have only 39 books, and he
wants to limit the OT to these; the 7 he would leave out (Tobit, Judith, 1
Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach [or "Ecclesiasticus"], and
Baruch--he calls "apocrypha," that is, "hidden books." But Pope Damasus
wants all 46 traditionally-used books included in the OT, so the Vulgate has

The crucial question for the early church was, "Does it have a
self-vindicating authority that commands attention as it communicates?" ". .
. A book was judged as to whether or not it was genuinely written by the
stated author who was a spokesman in the mainstream of redemptive
revelation, either a prophet (whether in Old or New Testament times) or an
apostle." . "Does the book come with the power of God?"

Mark Maine
President & CEO

Angelic Entertainment
555 W. Beech St., Ste. 225
San Diego, CA 92101

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter John Ross
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 1999 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: Update 7/22/99 DOGMA

> Have you read the script for Dogma ? I found it to be a compelling story &
it's representation of the Catholic faith to be a realistic one.
> Are you aware of the Apocrypha ? There is a great deal of detail & history
to the story of Christ than the bae bones we now call a bible. In the 2nd
century A.D. (or C.E.), the four papacies gathered together for a summit in
Rome. There they decided what was and was not proper for our ignorant eyes,
as well as any changes that might need to be made from TRUTH, so as to gain
more money & influence over the Pagans.
> Dogma merely deals with the stories from these original texts. Kevin Smith
did not INVENT these, he merely relates them to this generation. He portrays
God as the deity that he/she is. Another thing to remember is that it is a
MOVIE, meant only for entertainment.
> I implore you to SEE a movie before you JUDGE it. And remember that God
will judge all of those in the end, not you. At what point were you
appointed to the positiont o dictate what should or should not be seen ?

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