3 Times plus a Charm

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Posted by WingsofGrace at spider-wa063.proxy.aol.com on November 16, 1999 at 19:33:17:

I feel as though something is missing from my life...I look around, make sure I have my keys, my purse, my money (always hoping for more than there really is, to my great dismay) etc etc...and then it hits me! I know what's wrong with me! I didn't see Dogma again today! Now that's a drag that will pull anyone down into their week. It's Monday dressed in black, except that it's Tuesday so that makes it worse, somehow. But I'm digressing....

I caught the film on Friday afternoon, right after work- so buzzed was I about finally seeing it, I was speeding in rush hour traffic (not quite the oxy moron it sounds like)and made it there with practically a half an hour to spare. So I let myself soak up the atomsphere of the theater- see what other types would make it into this showing. Interesting bunch to say the least- there's me- single girl in her (ahem)late 20's- a guy old enough to be my father, a mother and daughter sharing popcorn and a young couple with their mom fighting over where they were going to sit. I kept thinking, Kevin's got an interesting audience going for this thing already ...and then I realized that the core audience was probably still asleep (I work before the sun and get off fairly early in the afternoon). After we were amused by way too many previews, the movie finally started:

I was amazed- from start to finish, I felt as though my mouth was open in wonder the entire time. Barely did I touch that buttery movie treat in the bag on my lap. I was sucked into the world that was laid before me and devoured it. I laughed, I cried.. yada yada, you know where this is going. I love this movie. I really do. Not because it has made some profound difference in my life (don't get me wrong- I think the movie has a lot to say-issues that I've thought of myself at one time or another)but because it's so... *watchable*. Does that make sense? I'm a movie buff and have a lot of movie favorites- not just movies that kick me in the ass but also movies that are just...able to be watched in more than one sitting AND still be enjoyed. That to me is one of tests. And I'm saying now, this movie will definitely be in the "Loop" of things to watch. In fact, it's already there- I went again Saturday afternoon- because the sound was messed up in the last ten minutes of my previous viewing (God's voice, anyone?)but mostly because I wanted to experience it all over again. And I liked it even more the second time, mainly because I actually got to notice all the little things I'd missed the first time around- the nun in the background of Loki and Bartlby, the holy wafer sign behind the Cardinal's desk that reads "eat me" etc etc. I even noticed a few flaws.
But I'll keep them to myself. :) The audience for this showing was more what I expected, and the theater was more filled as well- always a good sign.

The real test for me though, was Sunday. My friend, who had been working on Friday and Saturday,& hadn't gotten a chance to catch it yet begged me to go with him Sunday night. Late. Picture this if you can, a 10:20pm showing at a theater at least 40 minutes away from where I lay my head down to rest, and I went without a regret. And I wake up for work at 4:30am. Do the math. And I'm not 19 years old anymore- these late nights can kill me, sad to say (it doesn't take long to feel old). But I went with a smile on my face-mostly because I wanted to see it again, and wanted to see it with my friend (but that's another story)- and the theater was PACKED. We got there early and barely found a seat. Amazing.
And people are really getting this movie. Cheering,laughing,awed silence- the whole shebang. People are getting ENTERTAINED. AMEN.

All in all a very good weekend- filled with plenty of Dogma and Kevin (also picked up a copy of Mallrats finally, cuz man, I needed a fix and my Clerks is getting wore out. And no, I can't quote the movie word for word.

Kevin- you've made a wonderful offering to the cinema god (and also to the one above all of that) and I'm over-joyed I got to experience it. I normally don't rave about things and I know I don't normally go see the same movie three times in one weekend, so something must be afoot. I think it's a testament to your talent, actually. Or perhaps it just struck a chord in me somewhere at a time in my life when things can seem overwhelming..... nah, it's your talent.

Keep making these crazy things, and I'll definitely keep plopping down my $6.50 to see them. I know you need to put that little girl through film school!!! :)

Sincerely and Very Long-Windedly,

Christina Myers
Phoenix, Arizona

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