A Personal Message to Kev about Chasing Amy

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Posted by Bliggity-Blam-Shazzam at spider-tj022.proxy.aol.com on November 16, 1999 at 23:51:40:

Now I want to let the reader know that this post may be a little long, but please bear with me.
I want to give a deep and heart-felt thank you to Kevin for "Chasing Amy". This film has had a profound affect on me and my personal love life. Now, I know that I'm only 18, but that really doesn't matter much. Now, please excuse me as I start this long story.
Last year, my senior year of high school, I finally found who I felt was the girl for me. She was nice, funny, and a really good friend (my closest female friend). Let's call her D. Now, D and I had been just really good friends for about 3 months before I decided to ask her to Homecoming. I asked her, but she wasn't allowed to go at the time. So she told me to ask someone else. I did, and about two weeks later she was allowed to go (her parents are real assholes). She ended up going with one of my friends, J. I thought, "that's ok, nothing will happen between them". God, I was wrong. They started going out and seemed very serious about it; you couldn't picture them breaking up, that kind of couple. Now, we all hung out in the same group, so I saw them together all the time. I really couldn't break from the group because most of us had been friends for our entire HS years. So I had to put up with seeing them together all the time. It tore me up inside. I tried going out with other girls, but no luck. I was hung up on D and there was no way to get around it. No other girls compared to her in my mind.
It killed me that she didn't know how I really felt about her. So, as the summer was winding down and we were all about to go our separate ways, we all got together one night and rented a movie. "Chasing Amy", my friend Gary suggested. I had never seen it (the only trilogy piece i hadn't), so I didn't know what to expect. I was shocked and amazed. I identified with Holden for the first hour. Hell, I felt like it was me up there on the screen. And when his speech in the car occurred, I knew what I had to do. Hell, I nearly started crying as he was saying it because I connected with it so much. That night, I took the movie home (we rented it under my name) and wrote D a seven-page letter telling her my feelings. The center of it all was Holden's speech (don't worry, I gave proper credit). I transcribed the entire thing that night. After I was done (about 330am), I drove over to her house and dropped it in her mailbox.
I didn't hear from her for about a week, so I began to worry. I decided to call her. I didn't get the greatest response in the world (plus, she had told J, so our friendship was over). Now, I didn't tell her that I wanted her to break up with him; I just wanted her to know my feelings because I couldn't keep them bottled up any longer (I left out the part of the speech where Holden told her to search herself fo similar feelings). There was about a month left before we all took off for school. We usually hung out 3-4 nites/week. I saw her 2 more times the rest of the summer and not at all since I've gone to school (J goes here too, so she comes up every other weekend). He doesn't even make eye contact with me whenever he sees me.
But I don't regret telling her at all.
"Chasing Amy" gave me the inspiration to let my feelings be known, and I just wanted to thank you Kevin for making a film that touched me so deeply and profoundly.

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