Kevin: i adore you.

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Posted by stellar~ at on November 18, 1999 at 08:08:56:

ha, how's that for a title? but i seriously, really, do.
especially after seeing the much-hyped "Dogma" just this past weekend.
now, most of the time, i'm the type of girl that reads movie reviews a lot. often i just like to see what the critics have to say because i actually like the ones in the City Pages (local newpaper here in the cities), and i also like to see how completely wrong they are about movies that i like. after all, i've seen quite a few, i think i know a good or bad one when i see it. i'm also pretty darn critical myself.

you see, i'm a movie buff. not just your typical one, either.
i go out and see movies on a regular basis, just for the extra added thrill of having a crowd around me. i rent movies and will recite their lines along with after having watched them a gazillion times.
i absolutely love picking apart good and bad movies alike.
oh, wait ... i think i did just describe a "typical" movie buff!
ahhh, anyway ..

i wouldn't say that i am a *media* buff, but i had been talking with the friend of mine that i had gone to the movie with, going on about singers and so forth, and also how i was really just *ecstatic* to finally see one of Kevin's movies on "the big screen" (as i had only rented them thus far, unfortunately). and he pointed out the fact that i was really in-tune with the media. i guess, even though i had been denying it up 'til now, i am really a mediabunny. something i'm neither proud nor ashamed of.
it's just kind of there.

but anyway, i hadn't even touched a newspaper before seeing Dogma, and probably wouldn't have had the chance to read a review since it had only came out here the day before. but, i was steeling myself for it to let me down. as with most movies i've gone to, and the previous ones have been fantastic, for the new one to only be a major let-down. i wasn't expecting much, although i was excited just to see Kevin's visage once more, and on the screen, even!! (and Jay, of course, who could forget Jay?)

as soon as i saw those little jokes appear in typewriter print on the screen, i knew that this film was going to be anything *but* a let-down.
Kevin, i fell in love with your work yet again, and am still utterly impressed and spinning from it's beauty. yes, beauty. even though this movie was slightly bloody, had a lot of shit humour and bad attitude, it simply sparkled on the screen, crackled with joy and the energy of pure life. it brought "The Prophecy" and to a new generation, with jokes galore, heart, and just the right amount of blood for that extra kick in the pants.

but i think i'm getting ahead of myself here. i want to mention that i was disappointed at first when i found out about the casting of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. two men whom i have grown to dislike, not because of any personal reasons, of course, but just because of their *images*.
all those teeny-bobber girls drooling over a men that are twice their age, their faces plastered everywhere, and their minds revered for that movie that got panned off as a film, Good Will Hunting. which *was* good.
but it did not stand well on it's own, in my opinion, as i don't think it would've gone anywhere if Robin Williams had not been in it.

so, now that that's out of the way, i was impressed and startled the moment Mr. Affleck started speaking. this role, this film, this dialogue was made for this man. as i'm sure was your intention. you turned his character, Bartleby, from someone that was very likable into someone despised, and then someone redeemed. all in the short span of two hours. you also did the same with Matt's character Loki. my god, Kevin.
not just anyone can do something like that.

and Linda Fiorentino(sp?)!! she was even more impressive as Bethany.
i can't even begin to express what her role meant to me, and how deeply you touched me with the heart that was inside of that woman. she had a whip-smart mind, a lashing tongue, was jaded yet hopeful, and ended up opening her heart to god *tenderly*, realistically, instead of doing it in some sort of a melodramtic manner. she only had one outburst which was well-justified, calmed down once more, and didn't even notice when "Barry" had the glass at her throat. that was a real person up there on that screen. not some bimbo who tries to pretend she can act all for the sake of a role that she knows is good, and just wants to get her name out there. Linda obviously knew that this was something that would change her life forever, in more ways than just becoming famous for it.
and if Ben and Matt weren't already famous, you can be sure as shit they would be now.

now your role, of course, i was squealing like a little girl and jumping up every time you said something, simply starry-eyed and eating up every expression you made. (i have a crush on you, couldn't you tell by now?)
and you were much more expressive in this one. which i enjoyed yet also was put-off by. i sort of liked the way you had a stone cold expression throughout the other films, even when Joey Lauren Adams conked you on the noggin after crashing into her dressing room door in Mall Rats. but i grew to like the way you moved your face around more, and chuckled every time you did.

Jay was wonderful, as ever, hopping around and saying those lines that are now going to be deemed as "classic", and spouted off by every li'l Jay-wannabe there is out there. he had some especially tender moments in the film, like when he fainted after being touched by god. and also where Linda figures out that you two are the prophets. that was pure genuis. i really liked those parts.

i thought your decision to play Salma Hayek as the muse was a particularly good one. i would've never thought of it 'til i saw it, but she was just great. i've always loved her accent, ever since Desperado.

now, Chris Rock's whole subplot of being the 13th apostle was just brilliant, in my opinion. it was very funny, and also revealed the fact that what we think was "jesus" could just possibly be very wrong.
also, the line "i think i got a good idea", was so great, and pinned down exactly what i've always thought of religion. a good friend of mine always says that it isn't important to believe in something ... it's important to have faith. because there is a difference, you know.

Jason Lee, as Azreal. ahh, what can i say? i've loved Jason Lee ever since Mall Rats, and just laughed *so* hard when he actually quoted HIMSELF, with the line "One side, Red" (in that deliciously sarcastic tone of his, said in exactly the same way, too, i might add).
i thought he was really great as Azreal, but would've liked to have seen more of him. i'm sure you did it for a balance, since he had such a large role in Chasing Amy, but still ... hehe.

and your cameos with people from Clerks was just so delightful. when are you going to give Randall a larger role, finally? i'd definately like to see him in something other than a cameo the next time around. same with the guy who played Dante (err, i forget both names, unfortunately).
they're both such great actors, and i miss seeing them, as i haven't even seen them in movies that aren't yours since Clerks. well, i'm sure it's something that you have in consideration.

now, the dialogue ... what can i say about it? (i've already said so much so far ... heh.) it was priceless. i'd say that this movie is in a class of it's own because of your impeccable, irreplaceable dialogue alone.
you added historical folklore, mythology, fact, and geography along with pop trivia and conversation. you spun complete *artwork* onto that screen, my dear man. what can i say? it just blew me away. i'm going to go back and see the movie a number of times, and even more once i buy a tape of it. just so i can catch the things i didn't before, expose and examine what you were trying to say, and really let it sink in.
the first time around was just a trial run. i need many more trips down that road before going home.

from one media buff to another,


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