Posted by Tellingitasitis at on November 30, 1999 at 13:09:50:
Hey Vincent, you know I have been reading this board for a long time but lately I have noticed your posts to be pretty rude and snippy!!! The other day I seen you get all pissed off because people were giving you suggestions for the Dogma DVD and your all like "We don't need your help" etc... Yeah man you did great with the Mallrats thing and you will be fine on the Dogma thing, but you know what, don't be giving people shit about giving you suggestions. Thats just their way of saying their really interested in it and trying to give you ideas of what they would like to see. Your basically telling them, "We don't care what you want,because we KNOW what you want. Thats being a dick man. Sure, you don't have to come on here and give us information about dick, but if you do expect people to give you feed back. You are coming off as one sour dude man! So what, people have ideas what they would like to see, maybe they come up with something you didn't think of. Your trying to come off as the almighty Vincent. Everybody patted you on the back, including myself, for the Mallrats DVD but don't let that shit get to your head man. You want to talk to the fan base then you better be willing to listen. And all the fuck you's to that other guy who said you might be jealous of Kevin, man, get over it. I dont care if you are or not, none of us do, fact is you helped him, he helped you. But it is easy to see where people could think of you as jealous. If your not then it would blow right by you, but if you are then you would take it to heart and that is just what you did. So who knows. It's pretty obvious you feel overlooked and underappreciated. That's probably how you have always been though. I saw a better place and I am guessing the two leads in that movie were both sides of you. You feel alone and much like an outcast. You can deny that shit, rant and rave, give me the finger, whatever, but dude, you need to search yourself for peace, cause lately you been a dick, and that is just me telling it like it is!!!! Take it as my opinion, or take it as motherfucking fact. It's up to you, but if I were you, I would do something before you walk into some building and shoot the fucking place up Postal style. Your losing your cool man.
Breathe in...Breath Out...Breathe in...Breathe out...