Posted by Anima77 at on February 09, 2000 at 19:24:24:
Hey Kim,
I have a quick question for ya! If one was interested in interviewing, say, Kevin, for some work that this person was preparing for a senior thesis paper how would one go about setting such an interview up? Do you think Kevin would be agreeable to doing said interview? I am not capable of going to NJ to meet with Mr. Smith personally seeing as how I live in San Jose, but I would love to speak with him either online or over the phone...
In addition, my thesis is regarding the use of web sites, moreover web boards, as a means of redefining the term "celebrity." I see Kevin as a leader in this arena and I would like to write some critical work on his successes, etc. (partly because I have been a fan for some time now)
Please let me know what you think, and how I can go about doing this...
thanks so much!
Mario Anima