Posted by defender of the common good at on July 02, 2000 at 02:26:15:
In my last letter, I claimed that I indeed find that cranky hell-raisers are no different from disreputable converts to exhibitionism, and that claim is even more true now. One of my objectives is to embrace diversity. Scott Mosier's bons mots are a mere cavil, a mere scarecrow, one of the last shifts of a desperate and dying cause. What we're involved in with him is not a game. It's the most serious possible business, and every serious person -- every person with any shred of a sense of responsibility -- must concern himself with it. While there is no evidence that our sacred values and traditions mean nothing to Scott, it is clear that now that I've been exposed to Scott's expostulations, I must admit that I don't completely understand them. Perhaps I need to get out more. Or perhaps Scott's method (or school, or ideology -- it is hard to know exactly what to call it) goes by the name of "Scott-ism". It is a repugnant and avowedly destructive philosophy that aims to force Scott's moral code on the rest of us. If there is one thing I have learned, it is this: Once you understand his convictions, you have a responsibility to do something about them. To know, to understand, and not to act, is an egregious sin of omission. It is the sin of silence. It is the sin of letting Scott play fast and loose with the truth. For practical reasons, I have to confine my discussion to areas that have received insufficient public attention or in which I have something new to say. Should someone think that I am saying too much, I am not saying too much, but much too little. For to get even the simplest message into the consciousness of the worst sorts of negligent carpetbaggers I've ever seen, it has to be repeated at least 50 times. Now, I don't want to insult your intelligence by telling you the following 50 times, but if he continues to gag the innocent accused from protesting ruffianism-motivated prosecutions, crime will escalate as schools deteriorate, corruption increases, and quality of life plummets.
More prosaically, Scott maliciously defames and damagingly misrepresents everyone and everything around him. There's a word for that: libel. We must stop defending the vitriolic status quo and, instead, implement a bold, new agenda for change. By "we", I mean all the hundreds of thousands who fundamentally long for the same thing, without, as individuals, finding the words to describe outwardly what they inwardly visualize. Disagreeable dictatorial exhibitionism is a disgrace to humanity, but it cannot be eliminated by moral lectures or by pious intentions. No, it can be eradicated only if we break the neck of his policy of recidivism once and for all. Now, more than ever, we must see through the haze of faddism. I recently heard Scott tell a bunch of people that the federal government should take more and more of our hard-earned money and more and more of our hard-won rights. I can't adequately describe my first reaction to this notion; I simply don't know how to represent uncontrollable laughter in text.
There are two related questions in this matter. The first is to what extent he has tried to produce culturally degenerate films and tapes. The other is whether or not this is not wild speculation. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is documented fact. Scott's mottos always follow the same pattern. He puts the desired twist on the actual facts, ignores inconvenient facts, and invents as many new "facts" as necessary to convince us that cultural tradition has never contributed a single thing to the advancement of knowledge or understanding. Scott Mosier's cronies have demonstrated brutally, horribly, and with great terror how they will give lunatics control of the asylum. Since I don't have anything more to say on that subject, I'll politely get off my soapbox now.