Posted by shawnc at on August 11, 2000 at 08:42:19:
Hey guys,
I totally suck. I missed both the episodes that were on TV.. I get to see much television, so there must not have been enough advertising.. It sucks that ABC dropped it. They have a different audience though, than you were probably looking for.
Fox and MTV have had many successful cartoons, and some of them seeking that same audience as your movies. MTV has/had Beavis & Butthead & Daria.. Fox has/had Simpson, King of the Hill and another new one that I haven't caught yet.
Truthfully I think you guys are much funnier than anything MTV or Fox could put out.. You ought to check with them about airing the shows. MTV has this habit about going overboard on shit.. Everytime a new show, movie or series starts on their network they go bonkers with guest appearances, advertising, etc etc. If you could get them to show the 6 episodes you'd be airing directly to your crowd -- with shitloads of exposure, interviews, news spots, advertisements and guest appearances.
PS: I recently accidently found Mall Rats on DVD.. I loved all the extra "deleted" footage and commentary.