Posted by KalelRed at on September 05, 2000 at 19:01:45:
From one fanboy to the ultimate fanboy..i think of myself as talented Cartoonist and Comic Artist...Yet i am oblivious to how i break into the business. since u have written 4 movies brought back the Daredevil..and are working on bringing Ollie your opinion what is the secret to a good story?...what sort of things should it include??..
Then once you have the words..the story,,and the pictures how do you go about publishing them..what sort of materials does one use to mass produce a single comic??..I have posted this question on numerous boards..such as Wizard and DC...and have gotten not a single response..So i figured asking someone who rose from a simple fanboy..into an icon, with movies, comics, and a comic store might understand my overwhelming need to know. So if you figure this question is worth answering ill keep checking the postboard for it.
Rob a.k.a KalelRed