Posted by LaLaRHPS at on September 23, 2000 at 21:23:36:
Sadly my "Journey to Jersey" has failed. Not without help however! My little friends meant well, collecting cans and bottles for me to recycle, driving me around because I refused to spend the money on gas to go to work and such. Giving me a comp ticket to RHPS so I didn't have to spend 4 dollars to get in. It was, all in all, really cute. However the big ka-plooey came when my boss who shall remain nameless *choughbutch-dykechough chough* told me there was no way in hell she'd give me the time off work. *choughbitchchough* DOESNT SHE REALIZE THAT TRAVELING THREE THOUSAND MILES TO A STATE I'VE NEVER BEEN TO IS A DREAM??? A silly dream mind you... but at least it was mine. *le sigh* However, I am plotting and scheming and perhaps we shall all "meet again in Spaceballs 2... The search for more money."
*Smooshie Hugs*
Forever Faceless.