Posted by Nephilim at on November 10, 2000 at 20:15:38:
Hi Kevin,
I'm a student at the University of Arizona who's writing a paper on Dogma and the Apocalypse of Bethany Sloane. Anyways, just wanted to know if you knew that the angel Metatron was the biblical character Enoch (Second Baruch). You can read it in Genesis that God took Enoch after he lived 365 years. Later Enoch appears as Metatron to Baruch. I noticed that you made Enoch into one of those cartoon characters in the film.
Also, did Azrael get his wish by ending his existence? I'm assuming he was just sent back the Vestibule. And where exactly did Loki and Bartleby end up? They can't exactly go back to Paradise.
Well good luck w/ the new film, and when are u coming back to DD or anything comics other than ONI?