Posted by Menlo Park Rat at on January 19, 2001 at 14:48:58:
...all these characters coming back from the other flicks only end up having like a second of screen time?
Yeah, I'm fully confident J&SB SB will kick ass, but has anyone thought about that?
There will be new characters the the film will be following (I would guess) so maybe there won't be that much time for the old characters everyone wants to see again.
I'm sure Kevin won't dissapoint us, but wouldnt it be weird if you're a hard core Brodie/Banky fan and you're looking forward to seeing him and he ends up only having one short scene? I'm sure the scene will be funny, but...see what I'm getting at here?
I'm not griping, just one scene of Brodie or Banky will be awesome. I've just been thinking about this lately, and thought it would make great discussion for all us fan boys.
Watcha' think?