Dude, do u mean the Alex Winter film?

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Posted by Glen at inktomi2-bir.server.ntl.com on February 21, 2001 at 17:22:03:

In Reply to: kev, pinheads in clerks:TCS episode 6/Freaked posted by o9mmrocks on February 21, 2001 at 17:16:18:

the dude who plays Bill in Bill and Ted. It has Keanu Reeves in it as Dog Boy and there's the worm who doesn't like Macaroons?
Is this the film u ment?
That's called Freaked. I love that film! It's brilliant! Hard to get hold of in England too...I had it but I accidently taped over it. We need a special edition dvd!

: hey,
: got the clerks uncensored dvd last night and was watching the commentary today....when i first saw episode 6 w/o commentary i had the connection between the pinheads in the show and Freaked...which has been one of my favorite movies for 6 years. i showed freaked to all my friends but outside of that i did not know anyone who had seen it or even heard of it, so i figured it was some wierd conincidince and pinheads were a common freak show thing, seeing as how ive never been to a freak show.
: but when i heard on the commentary all of you going on about freaked and then even getting kevin mcdonald and mark mckinney of one of my favorite all time shows, kids in the hall, to do the voices i had to get on the computer and go on the VA board, something i hadnt done in a long time, and voice my happiness and all those other good things that i cant even think of because i am so damn happy someone else knows Freaked. hopefully this will inspire people to go rent it(if available anywhere)or see it on HBO or Cinemax and one day maybe we will get at least a bare-bones dvd if not special edition seeing as how the only copy i have is a ghettoed out tape off HBO of the lowest quality and ive heard of the many cut scenes, and a commentary track would be funny as hell....anyway i just wanted to say how cool it is to give props to an unknown and throughly kick-ass flick as Freaked.
: p.s. the Clerks:TCS dvd fucking rocks! and im proud to say i was one of the 9 people that watched the show when it was on. in my personal opinon(like anyone cares)episode 5 is the funniest

: thats all + thanks,
: nick

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