To Those Who Have Thought of Stealing my Story

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Posted by 3Eves at on March 29, 2001 at 10:53:09:

In response to "holy screenplay idea":

Don't even think it buddy. Look at the birthdays and the birth charts. I can't fucking believe it either, but I really am going into a very unusual close cycle with these people. Including Kevin, and after a deadline I gave someone else today, I am going to keep posting and reposting this until Kevin sees it. Dude, because it's fucking real! I'm telling you ALL, when I first got the info on these "soulmates" it was in a conversation with a psychic about success I would have in my writing a movie. Then she started telling me names of soulmates (all of whom I won't mention) and how these people would be producing or involved in some way. And then yesterday was even WEIRDER!

Yesterday I had a shitload of things that were predicted to me happen. Like seeing 3 movies. I haven't been to the movies in like six months, since that psychic reading last fall. So I hadn't seen any trailers. I also stopped watching most television since then. So I go into the "sister fucker" movie first. Not realizing...I get that message, leave and go into "traffic", hated it! Then I go into "Heartbreakers" and catch the last five minutes. Then I see in the credits how Jen Love and Sig Weav both played 3 different characters each, dude, I did not fucking know this when I went in.

THEN! I went to see Chunghyang. Dude, it was fucking about 3, a woman who is left by her love and a new mean emperor who tries to kill her because she won't sleep with him. I was told about this. That is was me, I mean, I was told about that day, and it's significance.

Anyway, my card is right next to Kevin's next year, and my first screenplay IS really good, and the same psychic told me it would be a classic. So don't even think about stealing any of my ideas or you will be really sorry!

But I'm excited to see the responses, even the bad ones. Because I've had to talk to myself since I "came out" with this!


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