Message from a humble nobody

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Posted by Lycanthrope at on May 14, 2001 at 22:30:30:

Wait a minute... Kevin Smith posts on this message board. I mean... Kevin Smith! And Jason Lee! and others! (yeah, I know, there are a lot more celebrities who post here, but I don't want to trouble anyone with details that they already know)
But these people, they're stars. If they aren't incredibly famous yet, they definitely will be soon.
My point is, I'm a 16-year old actor who's most professional venture was the latest High School play. I have aspirations for movie stardom. I'm working on my acting skills, I'm a twice produced playwright (yeah, they were two one acts put on at a children's theater, but it's still a pretty cool thing), I'm working on a career in screenwriting, and I also want to direct a movie or two sometime in the future.
However, dreams are cheap. More than likely, I'm going to fade into obscurity, get some job as a writer for some local magazine and eventually dismiss my previous thoughts of ever becoming famous. Hell, I live in Memphis, Tennessee. You have to work very hard to get out of this city, and even if you do, it still plagues your birth certificate and resumes, scaring away any possible show business job oppotunities. Oh, sure, we've got plenty of good actors who have come from here (Morgan Freeman, Kathy Bates, Michael Jeter, Cybill Sheperd, to name a few), but all the same, the place isn't exactly crawling with casting agents. The likelihood of me ever being closely involved in a major motion picture (unless as part of the stunt-crew) is very small.
But here, I'm almost elbow-to-elbow with people who have made it (well, no so much elbow-to-elbow, but it's better than most places). These blessed movie stars and movie directors and movie writers and movie producers have had the kindness enough to talk to us lowly civilians. I'd just like to say that this place is great. Every time these guys get to celebrate some great success, it's like they share it with us. I like that. We're almost part of a family, one big message board family. Thanks, guys. For coming down from Mount Olympus every once in a while just to talk to us.
And thanks for those who've suffered through all my typos and misspellings.
Well, I'm finished.
Damn, what the hell did I just write?

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