Posted by BrianLynch at on June 22, 2001 at 03:02:59:
In Reply to: it's a shame you can't have an opinion on here posted by crackbaby3:the crack is back on June 22, 2001 at 00:20:30:
: hey brian why don't you quit hiding behind the web board you pussy. by the way i just had your mama for two dollars and she was worth it.
Are you actually calling me out? Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Good one. Man, first you can't come up with a proper insult at all ("Brian, you're a gay fag asshole who is a jerk and you smell"), and then when that doesn't win you any fans, you get angry and resort to violence. How sad and funny at the same time. Ooooooooooooh, okay, I'll email you my address and we can rumble! Oh, oh, or we can race our cars for the pink slips!
And good Mom joke, man, you paid her two dollars to have sex with her. Huzzah, Corky, way to follow in the footsteps of some long dead street rapper with your insults. Go tell the nurse that gives you medication what a big boy you are.