Posted by Platypusking at on July 07, 2001 at 03:19:57:
Hey Well I am new to this board. I am a attemted script writer. I've done a couple of indie, nothing much. I have a upstart film company Round Table Productions. Anyhow well Im 21 and have had a hard time adjusting to life. Also i started a script about my life. Half way though I show it to some friends and they laugh their asses off. one of my friend ask me if I have ever seen A Kevin Smith Movie. Being raise Catholic i say I saw Dogma (which i tought was great by the way..the shot monster scene was a work of art) So he says I should see the other ones, cause I appricate ths style. I write everything in a beat, so the funny stuff is in how the characters say the lines. All in the delivery. So now I see everything. i own all four movies and he Clerks cartoons. But I really want to send it to you. I know its funny and even harsh oppinions won't stop me...(it didnt stop them from making Wild wild west) but I would stll appriciate any help.
Even if you cant read it its cool. I still think all four movies wher great and the actors also did a great job. You have to appricate someone who takes chances no one else will It all pays off in the end