Re: Misinformation

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Posted by Fucking Boner at on August 08, 2001 at 20:02:28:

In Reply to: Misinformation posted by Vincent on August 08, 2001 at 12:59:32:

: Kevin didn't pay "them" money. He donated money to the Matthew Sheppard Foundation, which has nothing to do with GLAAD. Get your facts straight.

Doh! My mistake, you are correct. I assumed they were the same org, I did some research and found that they are indeed two different special interest groups. I felt so guilty about assuming that I donated a portion of my future royalties to the Matthew Sheppard foundation myself.

: It sounds like extortion if you go by your warped and incorrect version of what happened. However, if you bothered to read about what *REALLY* happened (or listened to Kevin's interview on NPR where he went into this issue in detail), you'd have known it was not extortion.

I don't listen to NPR, sorry. It may not be exortion then, but it's a good arm twisting at the least. :)

Have a great day hombre!

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