Posted by jkm822 at on August 08, 2001 at 09:31:22:
In Reply to: Re: No, this is out and out whoring posted by OldSchoolBitch on August 08, 2001 at 02:11:22:
'Cause he's too fucking bitter for me. Shit, man, I thought I was bitter, but you take bitter to a whole new level.
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to say you're not entitled to your opinion, because you are. This is a public forum, after all. But there are opinions, and then there's out and out abusiveness. Guess which category your posts come under? Seems to me someone wants a little attention, what does everyone else think?
Every post of yours in this thread I've read boils basically down to, "Hey! Look at me! I'm picking on Lynch and saying ANP sucks! OK, what do you think of THAT, huh? C'mon, attack me! C'mon! I'm waiting for it! I want to display my rapier wit... come ON!!! Attack me!!!!!"
Unfortunately, people have. Not Lynch, I mean, if anyone's got the right to respond it's him. But the problem with responding to people like you is that it gives you what you're looking for. I'm thinking that's the last thing we want to do. And here's me, doing the same thing, so I'm not perfect, either. I'm not one of the blind defenders; I rarely even visit Lynch's site (though I did pop over and read the letter col, and I thought it was funny), so you can't use the same bullshit defense with me that you did with Dobbin. I do, however, look for Lynch's posts on the board. He's funny and intelligent, and says whatever he wants to say. I can respect that. Obviously you do too (look for his posts; I'm doubting you respect him or much of anyone), or you wouldn't even NOTICE the damned ANP link at the botom of his e-mails and thus wouldn't have a reason to be annoyed by it.
And I gotta say, what was that bullshit about you working for a company that's building a cure for cancer? That matters how, exactly? And what big part in it do you have? Sorry, but with all the Half Baked crap that's been going on here lately, I'm figuring you for a Dave Chappelle kind of position in that company. It would certainly justify your vast bitterness.
You're entitled to your opinion; if you don't like ANP, that's fine. You don't have to read it; there's nothing that FORCES you to click on that link. You don't have to read Lynch's posts. You don't even have to come here, when you get right down to it. These are all choices you have to make. But if you still want to hang here, if I might make a suggestion? Don't click the link. In the words of a semi-famous 80's film, "There are alot of decaffinated brands on the market today that taste just as good as the real thing."