Re: Uhm...

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Posted by sean at on August 08, 2001 at 10:41:41:

In Reply to: Re: Uhm... posted by Rate on August 07, 2001 at 23:30:25:

: : He needs to get a sense of humor, though. It was pretty obvious that Kevin was joking re: a lawsuit.

: Obvious? Not to me, or, it is seeming, to anyone else. Perhaps if you are to remove your nose from Mr. Smith's bottom, you would be seeing that it is not sounding like a joke. But it is not sounding so serious either I think.

Which is it? If it's neither a joke nor serious, then what?

: It is sounding to me as if Kevin, who is having a film coming out soon, is perhaps bringing back to life an old emnity with Tim Burton perhaps for the sakes of the publicity?

Except that (a) he already has publicity from the fight with GLAAD and (2) it was a joke blown way out of proportion (you can't just say "No, you're wrong about your own intentions, let me tell you what they really were).

: I am thinking he did similar things for Magnolia when Dogma was coming out, and even in Norway, we were hearing about that "big fight".

I'm not sure when those films came out in Norway, so perhaps it helped. But here, Dogma had come out and, for the most part, finished it's theatrical run before Magnolia came out, let alone Kevin posting his thoughts on it.

: Oh, and there were "fights" with Disney when Clerks cartoons were coming out.

Are you suggesting that Kevin staged the cancellation of his own television show just to have something to bitch about ... in order to, what, promote the show itself? I'm confused by this accusation.

: And there were fights when Mallrats was coming out.

Were there? You must have been at this website for a while then. Like, two years before it existed. I feel like a newbie.

: Perhaps soon he will make a film where no one fights with anyone and then no on will be wanting to watch.

That would be great. But then who would you have to toss half-assed accusations at via the Internet?

: I am thinking that you are all stupid americans who are not thinking before you are speaking.

Well ... that's neither here not there.

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