I love Kevins Movies

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Posted by GLaadBag at w107.z064003093.san-ca.dsl.cnc.net on August 08, 2001 at 12:02:38:

In Reply to: GlaadBag-Why are you here? posted by Chaddoli on August 08, 2001 at 11:59:44:

: : : But I just get this sick feeling in my stomach that Bubble Boy is going to beat J&SBSB at the box office in 2 weeks, God I hope I'm wrong. But given your average American filmgoer, I do have my doubts.

: : IT kicks the living shit out of every one of Kevins movies. Rock on Bubble Boy Rock on.

: : GlaadBag-Why are you here? If you don't like Kevin Smith's movies and you think a stupid movie like Bubble Boy is better than you shouldnt be here.

All I am saying is that Bubble Boy kicks ass. I loved it. It had heart, great prat falls, cute girls, and a dude in a bubble. Come one this is box office gold.

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