The old chestnut-"If I can't have her, NOBODY WILL

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Posted by Darth Dobbin at on August 08, 2001 at 12:55:20:

In Reply to: SHUT THIS F'ING WEB BOARD DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! posted by Stoodent Askewbian on August 08, 2001 at 12:18:53:

Hell shut it down for a year, forever if you have to.

This is an odd quirk of the geek-thought-pattern. A bizzare need for some sense of "rightous closure." I find that among the unhealthy nerd set, there's a weird desire to see the things they enjoy END, so they could then be added to some kind of internal check-list, or something. Like, "I was there at the beginning AND the end." Who cares?

Folk seem to feel it is more desirable to be able to talk about something that WAS, and claim "old school" ownership, rather that have that thing continue, and have them be marginalized.

It's a web-board, dude. Signal to noise ratio is sometimes very low, but it still serves it's purpose- it keeps "hardcore" fans in touch and connected to the goings on of their favorite production company.


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