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Posted by Neil at on August 08, 2001 at 13:55:47:

In Reply to: they're opinions, dude posted by sean on August 08, 2001 at 12:51:19:

: : After reading recent posts, I've realized that many people here follow (obey) Kevin with blind devotion. Kevin doesn't like PT Anderson, so there are posts about how we all hate PT and his movies. Kev mentions the GLAAD issue, we all hate GLAAD and what they stand for. The same goes for Catholics, Tim Burton, Jon Favreau, ABC, and anyone else who Kevin dislikes, or who dislikes Kevin.

: : Do you think it has anything to do with the fact Kevin reads this board, and it's just a form of ass-kissing?

An incredible amount of ass-kissing goes on here. Incredible. Much of it ill-considered.

Such as, Kevin Smith disliked MAGNOLIA. He has, to my knowledge, never said anything about PT Anderson personally, except in regards to his motives in making MAGNOLIA, and has stated that he does indeed like BOOGIE NIGHTS. I know that's difficult to notice around the people here who talk about him as a kind of Antichrist figure in a blatant and unfortunate attempt to curry favor with Kevin.

: Sure, there are people who just say things because they want Kevin to pay attention to him, but there are also those of us who agree with him that Magnolia was really boring and a knock-off of many many truly great movies.

Yep, and replying to his original post with an "I agree" message would be appropriate for that, in the context of this board. Now, two years later coming on and going out of your way to mention your hatred of the film is ass-kissing.

I personally loved the movie and ranked it in my Top 5 of 1999.

: Some of us even find it hypocritical of Jon Favreau to put down using the same actors over and over when the best parts of Made were him and Vaughn.

Yep. There's a degree and tone of discussion of that which was appropriate. I know that I did and any number of others noted how silly that comment was for a number of reasons.

There were also people who posted "Fuck Favreau up the ass with a mallet, piece of horse shit!" or some bullshit.

: And God forbid we don't think that Burton is a genius; we must be kissing Kevin's ass. [For the record, I love Edward Scissorhands and really really like Batman and Ed Wood. But Sleepy Hollow and Apes are two abyssmal movies with nothing redeeming about them whatsoever.]

Well, I think you're going a little far in the end there. I thought SLEEPY HOLLOW, while working from an awful script and not coming together in the end, had a lot of good work with mood and character. Part of my ultimate disappointment in it was based on how much I enjoyed the set-up. And, Jesus, I fucking hated his PLANET OF THE APES on so many, many levels, and even then I find "nothing redeeming" to somehow make me uncomfortable.

But those are legitimate opinions. I don't question or devalue people's right to have opinions.

: As for GLAAD ... it sure seemed to me like they were in the wrong for the right reasons. Maybe I posted one too many jokes about it, and thus was guilty of "kissing ass". I guess that's how it works, right? If you disagree, "go somewhere else" and if you agree, you're an ass kisser?

My feeling on this one, and I could be wrong, is that when there was an issue, discussing as best we understood made sense. Whether it was ultimately right or not, I don't know. Vincent mentioned in this thread the NPR interview where Kevin discusses the situation in more depth and how it clarifies the issue. I haven't heard that, but felt that as soon as the joint statements became about having an open, friendly and healthy disagreement that they both presented, it was what should have been done in the first place, so continuing to debate the matter seemed remarkably unproductive.

: Isn't that like saying, "Dude, it's okay to like Clerks, but if you start telling Kevin so, then you're kissing his ass."

I don't recall anyone suggesting that complimenting the man's work was necessarily ass-kissing. Most of us as here because we enjoy his work to one degree or another.

: As Tarantino once wrote, delivered well by Val Kilmer, "It ain't kissing ass if it's true."

However, I think context makes a difference.

Look, I fucking hated Burton's PLANET OF THE APES and in forums where it was on-topic, I shouted it from the rooftops. I guess I could've used Kevin's acknowledged love of the original as some context to say it here, but didn't think it was necessary.

But certainly people who did say something last week were just stating opinions. It's difficult to buy the people who en masse declared Burton as blight upon cinema immediately after this non-existent controversy started weren't attempting to kiss ass, but were merely spontaneously compelled to state an opinion that is essentially off-topic on this board.

: And Burton was an ass for what he said ... truly. (And regardless of what you think of his films, I might add.)

I'm not sure I agree, because I don't know how, where and in what manner he was asked about this matter. If he was asked based on an irony-free paraphrasing of Kevin's statement, then I would think it would be the normal human thing to react like, "Huh? Who the fuck is this guy?!" and idly toss off a minor insult.

Besides, as a whole, this board has defended negative comments Kevin has made about Reese Witherspoon, Alex Ross, Peter David, PT Anderson and any number of others. I think it's enormously hypocritical that so many have now decided that Burton making similar comments about Kevin is somehow different.

He's a guy. He's got opinions. So fucking what?

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