Apologies for generalization

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Posted by jkm822 at on August 08, 2001 at 14:26:19:

In Reply to: Re: What's up with that? posted by Zeebadaboodee on August 08, 2001 at 13:40:44:

: Where? I've seen some folks say that the board has gotten worse in the last year or so, but where have you seen these requests to shut the board down?

In truth, I can't remember where it was, and I don't currently feel like sifting to find them. I wouldn't have said it if I hadn't seen it, though.

: Absolutely, although I hardly think we were "elite". I've been here about 4 years or so, and in many ways I absolutely miss the way things used to be.

And I understand that, I really do. I've been there. Not on this board, but I HAVE been there. It's neat to be there at the beginning and watch things grow. Unfortunately, sometimes the bad comes with the good.

: Find me one "old school" guy who's mad that Kevin is more popular now than he was 5 year ago. It won't happen. In fact, most of us would welcome "newbies" with open arms. The only thing that's sad is the need for some new folk on this board to generalize some of us who have been around for awhile as hating everything new around here. The only people I've ever had a problem with are the folks who don't read the summaries, don't pay attention to the rules and post a bunch of crap.

I do apologze for the generalization. But there have been some old school... or, at least, people who purport to be old school... folks, who really walk all over newbies, to say nothing of the complaints that the board isn't the way it used to be. That's what I meant when I said that things change; Kevin's fan base has grown considerably. Part of that is good; we're all glad that he's getting his stuff out to a bigger audience. We want to see him make good, because we're his fans! But I know that some people can, and from what I've seen, DO, resent that they aren't part of a small group that can call themselves die-hards. Not including you in this, and I can't say anyone specifically because frankly, I don't remember. But I know I'm not the only one to have seen this.
I'm glad that there are those of you who take newbies in hand and lead them along the way. It's great, and we love you! And you're absolutely right about the summaries and the crap; we don't like that any more than you do. But I don't understand the tendency of some people to come down like a ton of bricks on newbies just because they don't know the protocol. Some of you are really nice about it - thank you. Some aren't - fuck them.

: Many people already have [created other boards].
Good for them. Really. That's what the internet's all about, isn't it?

: I agree that [intelligent conversations] are here, but having to sift through all the crap makes them very difficult to find. It's not so much that I worry about me having to do this, it's that I worry the folks in red will finally give up trying.

Understood and agreed. All this arguing is getting us less than nowhere, and it really, really, really has to stop. I wonder what would happen if all the arguments suddenly disappeared? Could we talk about the movies again?

: Actually, shutting down the board has been healthy for this place in the past. It usually returned within a week or two, but often without the folks who would stop by casually and treat this place like their own.

If that's how it usually works, then great. Sounds like a plan. All I've heard about on 2 occasions now is the time it was shut down for, like, a year. I think that would be a big loss to everyone, and I'd really rather not see it happen if it's possible to prevent it. But I'd also like to carry on intelligent conversations without having to sift through a million threads about GLAAD, Tim Burton (boy has THAT gone too far and for far too long), and Half Baked.

: I'm not advocating shutting this place down in the least bit, but the guy you replied to has the right to his opinion. Would it be better if he made his point without acting like a 10 year-old? Sure. But then again, that's true of everything around here.

I guess the reason I reacted the way I did is because of the way he made his post. It's not that the underlying idea is wrong - how can an opinion be wrong? - but that it seemed he was trying to order that this happen. It bugged me. Sorry about that.


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