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Posted by Neil at on August 08, 2001 at 14:54:10:

In Reply to: MARKY MARK AND THE MONKEY BUNCH posted by ezb on August 08, 2001 at 14:29:32:

: now down to business. last monday i saw that piece of shit apes movie. as a huge fan of the original fliks, i couldn't wait to see what tim burton would do with this movie property.after spending the $8.00,and giving up 2hours of my life that i can't get back,i was very disappointed. this version may be closer to the book…

It's not. The only thing that's closer to the book is the ending, and even that was twisted around in a way to be ridiculous.

The text of the story and other details are much closer in the original movie.

: … and the special effects and make up may have been great,but this movie is shit.props only to rick baker cause he's the fucking man.

I was even a little disappointed with the effects and the make-up. The jumping apes were a little too obviously an effect and their was something a little off about the make-up, but then my traditional adoration of Rick Baker was disturbed greatly by his awful fucking Grinch makeup.

: as for mr. burton,screw that dumb bastard.hell yeah i think you should sue his ass, if for no other reason than to make him sit in front of a judge and read every comic you've ever written, and to play a part in one of your movie , like hitler in little nicky( pineapple anyone).

Have you thought much about the complications of this? I mean, have you seen it in a broader perspective of how PT Anderson feels about when Kevin says nasty things about his work or how Burton may have been asked or what complications of their personal relationship from "Superman Lives" remain private and could have some legitimate reasons to have continuing bitterness…

Or, and this is really wacky, he didn't mean it to sound anywhere near as nasty as it came across and he really just does read comics and that Kevin's comics seem particularly unappealing to him based on his own taste as a human being?

Oh… thinking… I'm sorry. This is the View Askew board. Never mind.

Please return your brain to it's locked and uptight position.

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