hey, dumb-face!!!!

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Posted by nu-gi at wan-vc8f709.hou.biz.mindspring.com on August 08, 2001 at 16:21:18:

In Reply to: that would rule! posted by LD on August 08, 2001 at 15:13:16:

: : If he's not, he should be.

: i couldn't agree more!

I was being sarcastic, dillhole. Eminem sucks and he hates gays
people... so I infered that he should be on the soundtrack, because of
the flack that JSBSB got from GLAAD. I wasn't being serious.....
jesus... sometime this stuff is lost on you people.

: : In fact, Kevin should make a movie with Eminem and Elton John as
: : the stars.

: only if he also adds Richard Pryor and Mohammed Ali

that makes NO sense at all. are you TRYING to be funny? and I
emphasized the word "TRYING" , because you failed miserably.

It's a joke, people..... don't you get a joke? Kevin makes jokes. Brian
Lynch makes jokes. LD (are those the only two letters you learned in
the 1st grade?) TRIES to make jokes. We're all one big joke-making

Will the real Eminem please stand up?

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