Re: Kevin, the signs are here...follow Ellis....

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Posted by TheMojoPin at on August 08, 2001 at 17:10:46:

In Reply to: Re: Kevin, the signs are here...follow Ellis.... posted by Phlogiston on August 08, 2001 at 11:17:36:

: : WAIT!!! Just take a cue from the good ol' "official" Chasing Amy soundtrack that I shelled out for a couple years back: assemble something that looks like a professional book, then just photocopy it, staple it together, and sell it for 10 bucks a pop through the website. Capitalist know-how at its brilliantest...

: : -TMP

: Hmm. The initials "TMP" and a call for shysterism in the name of capitalism. Could TheMojoPin actually be the head of Todd McFarlane Productions? Are we in the presence of the creator of the wretched Spawn? Todd, is that you?

Only if you have some balls to sell.


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