Re: What's happening on the board...

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Posted by The Marksman at on August 08, 2001 at 19:13:45:

In Reply to: Could we stop now? posted by RyanAn on August 08, 2001 at 18:13:13:

1. The new film and the recent controversies are bringing in lots of new folks and causing a slew of activity. People are buzzing about all this stuff and they're antsy because of the impending release of the film. Plus there's a ton of new folks asking typical 'new-guy' questions like 'What happened to Clerks 2?' and whatnot. There's more press and attention focused on Kevin, View Askew, and even on this board then there ever has been before. All of this adds up to the hurricane of tension, flaming, blaming, etc that you see right now. It's happened before and most of it will recede probably by October sometime.

2. Even when the wave of new folks does recede, the increasing popularity of this site means lots of peeps will hang on and become regulars, whether we like em or not. We've picked up some real great fans along the way (Dobbin for example), and some real shitheads, too. It goes with the territory.

3. Yes, people are posting totally useless or hateful crap on this board and making it harder to find meaningful conversation or even a hint of intelligent life. It gotten so bad that Vincent had to walk away, and that's pretty sad. All I can say here is, the 'reds' and the real fans shouldn't suffer because of this bullshit, the ones causing the bullshit should suffer, and somehow this needs to start happening...

4. Yes, there are mindless, blind followers here who attack anything that's remotely anti-Kevin and defend every word he says. That's far from cool, but on the other hand, how uncool (or dumb) is it to stand up in a room full of Smith fans and say "You're all Smith ass-lickers!"? One, it sounds too much like an attention-starved 'better than thou' ego-trip, and two, what do you expect to find in a room full of fans? Is this the only fan-site where the fans ACTUALLY dig the product? And if you DON'T like Smith, his movies, or his face, then FUCK OFF! Who's more lame, the fan or the anti-fan? I don't like NSYNC's music, so I FUCKING IGNORE IT. Am I supposed go to their site and talk shit?

All I can say to a potential fan or to the folks in red is this: Look through the wave of mindless bullshit (which right now is at high-tide) and you'll see alot of loyal fans who bring meaningful conversation and a barrel of laughs to this place. That's why I hang out here. I too think it could use a temporary shut-down, but in the long run, this still is the coolest place on the net...

-The Marksman

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