Here's how the movie doesn't work.... BIG SPOILERS

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Posted by VioLenT BoB at on August 08, 2001 at 19:31:10:

In Reply to: Re: POTA: a question *Possible Suprise Ending Spoiler* posted by sean on August 08, 2001 at 14:53:42:

The problem with Time Travel explanations in film is that they usually create paradoxes, that being said when one fucks up ones own paradox that's when things get weird.

Presumably, Marky Mark chases Pericles the monkey into a weather storm. Said storm shoots him from 2021-9 to 2400+.

Now in the year 2400-something on ANOTHER PLANET. Marky Mark defeated the apes. These apes were the genetic ancestors of another monkey on Marky Mark's space station, the station that crashed into the planet looking for him STILL in the year 2029.

So one could say that the monkeys were READY to EVOLVE. If they EVOLVED right on that PLANET...and that it had NOTHING to do with like gravity fields or whatever.

So in 2029, the monkeys are ready to evolve. Which would mean that they evolved everywhere, and that crashing on that planet had NOTHING TO DO WITH EVOLUTION. Only that the storm that caused Marky to crash jetted him 400 YEARS into the future to view said evolution.

Now after GENERAL THADE who was presumably born 30 years before 2400-something is CONQUERED ON THE PLANET OF THE APES, Marky MARK retargets his TIME TRAVELLING STORM and leaves PERICLES behind on planet in 2400. Where he has NOT EVOLVED COMPLETELY YET.

So MARKY returns to EARTH circa 2100 something...figure only about one hundred years after the beginning of the movie.

In those HUNDRED YEARS the monkeys have evolved and taken over society and subjugated or exterminated their HUMAN SLAVES.


The same General Thade bent on crushing a rebellion on another planet?
The same general thade that won't be born for another three centuries?




Doesn't work.

and it wasn't shocking at all. rather stupid. It's a joke ending, that's why it worked well in J&SBSB.

I can't believe anyone wanting to be shocking or provoke a reaction other than contempt would rip off that ending for a serious film, action or not.

I want to see the three endings Burton rejected. That's all that I hold against the man, that and the fact that only the monkey's acted in that movie, and most of them overacted.

Why let the humans talk if they don't really have anything to say?


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