Tales From Wizard World (w/guest, Bryan Johnson)

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Posted by TheOrange at cable153-130.remote.uwec.edu on August 28, 2001 at 04:03:28:

[Names have been kept intact to place any and all blame firmly upon the shoulders of those who deserve it]

Well, a buddy of mine by the name of Dave Recine recently attended the aforementioned 'Con. He's a hip kinda dude who does his own comic for the University of Wisconsin -- Eau Claire publication The Spectator. It licks balls (the paper, not the strip), but that's really beside the point. See, Dave is our PR man of sorts for an upstart Anime and Comic convention called NoBrandCon. So, he's hanging out, being a dude, you know... and he comes across the camp of several hip and swank ViewAskew mooks.

Only one of them wasn't so hip and swank.

See, Dave's not completely up on all of this Kevin Smith stuff, so when he came across the encampment he only really rocognized Bryan Johnson (only as the illustrious "Steve-Dave"), and only after thinking about it for a really long time. So, he walks up to the invariably hep cats and starts talking about who he should get in touch with to solicit any appearances for the 'Con. Bryan walks up to him, chatting and looking generally mean and intimidating, asking Dave what he wants, calling him a little "fuck," among other things. Dave explains himself, calmly, that he is representative of Eau Claire's Anime Appreciation Society which is organizing the fledgling NoBrandCon (I dare any one of you to guess as to where that reference is from), and was wondering if somone there could pass along the information for him.

Now, I don't remember what Dave said Bryan did next, only that it went along the lines of him taking (or not) the flyer he had, with -- I assume -- the mascot of Brandi proudly displayed in all of her Laser-printed glory and going back to his buddies to tell them how much of a dick he thought Dave was.

So, what did Dave learn from this encounter? I think that he said something about how he felt that the Steve-Dave character was pretty much what Bryan was like in his every day, matter-of-course interpersonal relationships -- obviously exaggerated to a degree. Had Dave known about it, he could have formulated a witty retort to the disparraging situation, something along the lines of "I'm glad we had this chance to talk, now I know I shouldn't waste my time going to see 'Big Helium Dog.'" That would have been clever of him.

Anyway, I fully expect this story to end up in Fanboy's "Adventures of the Hamster" section, where Dave pencils, inks, and scripts certain entertaining and embarassing events from his every day life. I'll be sure to send over a scan when that happens.

This isn't meant to piss off anyone, I just found it an amusing anecdote of an otherwise somewhat embarassing situation. Meh.

"Hoona igna chowa neha!" - Space Ghost

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