Posted by CrazyJim at on August 27, 2001 at 14:19:39:
We already know box office numbers aren't a direct mirror of the quality of the film, because you can sacrifice quality to get more money... And you can sacrifice production cost to net more money...
But it seems like a bunch of gay organizations are trying to get on ... well lets not say it like this. Just a bunch of organizations are confused by the humor... Maybe some of this helps make sense of it:
I could go into a long paper, but organizations have to be extreme in their views, but the people in the organization will have widely varing views... When you slander by saying fag, you're calling someone a stereotypical fag, as based off the organization... To someone you don't know, you're basically dehumanizing someone by saying that they're nothing different than the stereotype... When talking with your friends, its just play because they know you're kidding.
So anyway organizations vs individuals::
If you say gays, you're thinking whiney people who rally against stuff trying to change people's perceptions. I see alot of gays that are like this, and then some that are normal people with their own ideas.
If you say christians, you're thinking people who don't want to see stuff thats out of the norm. You can see varrying degrees of christians from crazy zealot, to people who like GGallin but consider themself christian.
If you say nazis.... you're thinking people who want to rally together to make an industrial power. You can see racists who beat up people who they decree as not working hard enough, or really intelligent nazis who try to spread knowledge so their brethren don't beat up people, and actually try and make a difference.
If you say stoners... you're thinking people who's goal is to smoke up and hang out... You can see the hippy stoner who doesn't excercise or bathe and is easy to beat up... or someone who's just a regular guy with his own convictions and smokes up...
Funny thing about some individuals in organizations is that they make it their personal goal to break the stereotype... Like I know a stoner who does nothing but train martial arts, just hoping someone thinks he's easy to beat up.
So what I'm saying is that its ok to call stuff faggy, or things gay... Because you're refering to the institution thats created around them, not the individuals inside it. Sure the institution should be appalled, but people inside them should learn to think for themselves on personal issues.
So if a hypothetical movie bashes all organizations, will no one go to see it? What if it bashes all organizations and tells people to think for their goddamned selves? Then maybe only cool people would go see it. So if you're a cool gay, you'd go see the movie. But if you're just a fag you won't.
Personally I generally hate organizations in general and people who rally for nearly any cause, but thats just me.