Posted by Psykotek at on September 01, 2001 at 16:33:59:
Dogma...what a movie. Probably one of the best religious satires since Monty Python's "The Life of Brian". It takes a lot of balls to do something like Dogma, which so clearly points a finger at the Catholic Church and laughs. If people didn't like Dogma BECAUSE of it's theological connotations, then people need to loosen the stick from their sphincter and learn to laugh at themselves.
But Dogma does raise a lot of questions that I've been asking for years, and answers them in a way that works. God being female...that just makes sense. Serendipity's explanation in the deleted scene on the Special Edition was marvelous. Azrael's Hell Monologue was brilliant as well...I really wish that would have stayed in there...Jason Lee did an amzing job.
So in closing, I'd like to applaud Kevin Smith, the cast, and crew for making a movie that's worth watching millions of times for so many reasons. It's a shame to see Jay and Silent Bob go...but at least it's been a ride.
I hope that all your future endeavors go as well as the past 5.