Posted by Kiss It at on September 01, 2001 at 22:49:23:
In Reply to: Repeat viewing didn't help posted by sheba on September 01, 2001 at 20:45:39:
Look, you have the right to your opinion, and so do I. I know you have a mixed-up view of who Kevin is, but look past that. He:
a) does not like no loose money for people, so just "making a quick buck" is out of the question.
b) he said it before, this flick is for us, the View Askew fans that can see what he tries to do with every project.
c) he would not use any money that he didnt have to.
k, now about the special effects, Dude, just cuz there isnt a giant fucking dinosaur at every turn doesnt mean they arent there. People in the real fucking world know that there WAS SPECIAL EFFECTS BEFORE CGI.
they include:
explosions (rigging multiple times as well as the execution and tools)
Blue Screen stunts
CGI Scooby mouth
CGI Bluntsabers
The Panet Of The Apes costume and make-up effects
the Jay at the statue of liberty scene
props with special effects (guns with riccochet blanks)
and the list goes on an on. Just "WATCHING" the film doesn't mean you understand it. These subtle things went into the picture just for you and others could take it for granted. And taking it for granted is good, cuz you obviously dont think they had special effects, so they did their jobs. Just respect what you never think about during a film.