Posted by Bruce The Shark at on September 02, 2001 at 07:01:09:
I haven't seen these in YEARS, and ordered the Suspiria LE, and then decided to say 'Screw It' and buy as many Argento films as possible.
My questions-
1. The two packs would save me cash...are these inferior in any way?
I don't need the soundtracks, etc. for EVERY film, but want good transfers, and COMPLETE versions.
Should I avoid the two for ones, or go for it?
2. The titles...wasn't "Phenomena"(sp?) entitled something different when I rented it oh so many years ago?
3. I SWEAR I rented an Argento film, or maybe an Argento-ATTACHED film called, I THINK.."The Church"..took place in an old church, was Italian, and I liked it. Was it indeed Argento, or Bava, or...??? Is it available on DVD?
4. Should I just wait for a box set, or is that impossible due to licensing, etc.?
Sorry for the naive q's, but I really haven't seen these since I was 14.
Any help/thoughts would really be appreciated.