Posted by Chow Yun Fat at on September 02, 2001 at 13:54:34:
I look around this board and I see star fuckers aplenty: SOME folks who got thier heads so far up Kevin's ass its difficult to tell where he ends and they begin, some genuine movie fans and A whole lotta bitchin'/ a little despondancy bout not setting the box office ablaze: FUCK THE BOX OFFICE, WE LIVE IN A WORLD WHERE BARB WIRE MAKES IT AND HIGHER LEARNING DOESN'T, Kevin smith now joins people like jarmusch, huang and dicillo: a mker of cult classics and although he'll be hard pressed to make a better film than chasing amy in words of john malkovich: "shadow of the vampire?...I dont' particularly mind if anybody sees it or not; thats the way it's always been"