Posted by Gnarly Cranium at on August 31, 2001 at 18:51:24:
11 million, eh? Guess you really -are- rich enough to come beat us up if we post something you don't like.... but don't worry! I've only got good things to say!! Honest!! Don't look at me like that!! You want -him-! *points at the guy who sent the 'Movie Sucked' post*
I wanted to see Final Fantasy again, actually, but it wasn't showing in the theater anymore... I still really wanted to watch a movie that day, so I thought I'd like to go see Rat Race. But you can guess what both of my friends wanted to see, and what we ended up going to... I wasn't sure if it'd be worth the exorbitant price the theaters in this town have been charging since they got taken over by Regal-- generally, I only bother going if it's some -big- action sci-fi thing that -needs- a huge screen and massive speakers. But god am I glad I went. You've given me the chance to witness once again the awesome sight of Mark Hamill onscreen kicking ass with a lightsaber! I will be indebted to you forever! Even if he did look like a total jackass in that outfit!! I dunno if you'll actually read this... *ogles the massive, massive list of replies, knowing I sure as hell wouldn't read them all* but I have to thank you (or would 'pay homage' be a better term?) anyway.
The awesome greatness that is the Man Who Was Luke isn't the only reason I liked it, don't worry-- that whole movie made me laugh harder than anything else I've seen in my life. I was -still- laughing as we walked out to the car, and still laughing as we drove to 7-11 to get soda, and still chortling from time to time in Safeway where we got lunch. Hell, I'm laughing now, and I've been humming the song that played during the end credits for the past hour. I've also never seen anything that lewd before--congratulations, you have the distinction of creating the 2nd movie that actually made me shut my eyes, some parts too horrifying for me to watch. (the first one was Event Horizon, which really got to me for some reason)I only saw Dogma for the first time two weeks ago, and I haven't seen Clerks or Chasing Amy at all, but damn, you can bet I have to go rent those now!! Heck, just 'cause you're a good enough guy to bother -talking- to your fans out here, I might even go to the theater again for Jay and Silent Bob.