Posted by bloodninja at on September 07, 2001 at 14:12:22:
Obviously you believe yourself to be a highly intelligent and original thinker. You probably don't think that you're exactly the same as the many many many other people who have come here, thinking, or not thinking, the same, and doing essentially the same act you are doing. Maybe you believe you will lead us into a new light by showing us how to think freely, and you will become our newfound hero and will soon have a message board devoted to Jocko. Maybe you will change our lives and touch us deeply. But, ultimately, you'll get tired of herding us sheep, and you'll go play with other more highly advanced beings, much like yourself.
You've managed to catch some attention and make little splashes due to the fact that there are many new people here. But soon most of them will be gone, as will you, especially when you find that your posts are halfway down the page in half an hour, and there is a whole new board tomorrow.
Thanks for trying to teach us. Don't give up on us.