Posted by GivingYouTheFinger at on September 06, 2001 at 01:26:42:
In Reply to: KEVIN, SPEAK TO US posted by Arbutina on September 06, 2001 at 00:51:16:
: Kevin,
: As always Loved the flick! Your last post was slightly a downer about not winning opening weekend and all, and I think I speak for many of us on here who in the past couple weeks gotten used to and quite found of the fequency of your posts... I know that this is probably down time for you (and Well Deserved) but all the same We would all love it if you would say "Hey" (or anything you want for that matter). We all sure would get a thrill from it... ALright man, Keep up the good work. thanks, Arbutina
Enlighten us with your unprecedented and unfathomable wisdom. We will all bow down like little servant-zombies at your holiness. Was that scary? Oh well