Posted by kevorka at on September 06, 2001 at 12:48:38:
In Reply to: Nonaskew question: Who saw Requiem for a Dream? posted by true ruler of canada on September 06, 2001 at 02:10:49:
I think it's an incredible piece of work. I really enjoyed Aronofsky's style, although that might not be for everyone. I thought that the soundtrack was absolutely amazing and really added to the mood of the film.
The first time I saw it, I found the last fifteen minutes to be very disturbing, which was a good thing considering the feel of the film in general.
And I think the Academy is a bunch of FUCKING ASSHOLES for thinking that Julia "I play the same part in every movie" Roberts did a better acting job than Ellen Burstyn. What a bunch of bullshit politics.
: That movie is filmaking at its highest. Whoever thought that Marlon
: Wayans could be a good actor. After that movie ended, I hit the floor
: and shook for 2 minutes. That was the BEST MOVIE EVER! I hope
: you all see it. Darren Arsonfsky is a god. I'm so glad he's making
: Batman 5 and not some hack like Joel, "Batman and Robin was so
: gay! I want my eight bucks back!, Shumacher. GO SEE IT NOW IF