DOGMA Kevin's belief vs. opiate for consumption

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Posted by Henrot Gutch at on September 19, 2001 at 04:53:28:

The "Catholicism...OW!" flyer. God evoking "Karate Kid, The"'s Pat Morita healing technique.
All forgiven by the, "you wouldn't like me when I'm angry" bit (HULK out).
I wouldn't think to judge your DOGMA if it didn't provide an easy beginning to this post, and for that I apologize. And I do...apologize. It's easy to criticize and I'm sorry.
All the jokes and references aside I saw Dogma for the first time with a girlfriend a year ago. I was too busy concentrating on her to pay attention to IT at the time. I watched it again tonight, by myself, and was able to actually watch.
I was amazed on many levels. The research that must have went into it for historical accuracy. The subtle references to the comic genre. The ability of the actors/actresses. And the pulp of the movie, which delivers an idea of faith/belief taking a modern idea of half-baked, diversified religion and delivering a solid message, merging that which COULD have been with that which MUST have been.
I don't want to ramble on and on in a post that will likely never get answered...shit, I only have a third a bottle of whiskey and a half pack of cigarettes left for Christ's sake. I just have to the idea at the heart of DOGMA the true belief of Kevin Smith? I mean, the comedy surrounding it is SO good, the best spoon full of sugar to help the medicine go down imaginable...shit, "Whose house?...RUN's House!" (Crush Groove vs. ET, DAMN that's funny!) as the celebration of an angel proving he's right about can't WRITE that shit better!
I'm just curious if Kevin truly subscribes to the idea of an interpretational belief of faith...or was the superstructure of DOGMA just a hit of opiate for the masses to make a criticism of organized religion, as a comedy, more palatable?
As for me, DOGMA summed up my beliefs to a tee. It's the message that counts indeed. I'd just love a shot to talk about the structure of belief with you...DOGMA seems to provide a refreshing view on the subject. God knows we need one...and I know you're no more "enlightened" than anyone else...but I gotta say you have an approach that no one else has had the balls to air out in a wide release movie. I know the hype on this movie is gone as far as the media is concerned...but fuck them. They didn't make enough of it at the time. I'm curious if you have the time.

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