Posted by yourfriendlyneighborhoodSomber at on November 08, 2001 at 20:54:52:
In Reply to: It was even discussed in the comics. Check it out posted by wryspy on November 08, 2001 at 19:18:16:
If Connor is gay or not, he's still a strong character, just as the article stated. But come on, your rationale for Green Arrow (Ollie, not Connor)being a gay man's fantasy was one of the stupidest, closeminded things i've ever read. Let's break it down:
:They dress like the guys in "Men in Tights." - Ollie was around long before Men in Tights. That kinda ruins your argument. And if Ollie is gay for wearing tights, so is EVERY other superhero created. They almost all wear tights.
:He had a boy sidekick - I'm so fucking sick of homosexuality being equated with pedophilia. If you've ever checked the statistics, most occurrances of pedophilia are commited by a heterosexual, pretty much a 100 times more likely than being commited by a homosexual.
:Until this month he's had a rich gay man supporting him lately. - You're telling me you'd turn down being supported by someone if they were gay? Godforbid it can't be looked at as an admirable act to take someone in(even though the person doing it turned out to be the villian).
:He fires phallic objects all over the place. - And Wolverine has phallic objects coming out of his hands. Listen Freud, sometimes an arrow is just an arrow, not a cock.
:And his name is queen. - I really don't even know why I'm bothering.
Take a few steps away from your computer, kid, and see what real life is like. Maybe then you won't be posting such dumb shit on a webboard again.