Posted by Jack Dulouz at on November 09, 2001 at 08:09:54:
Hi All -
I usually lurk in the shadows, but found this and thought you'd all dig it. Check out It is an archive of the entire internet from 1996 on! You can check out the view askew site from 1996 when the buzz was on lost 'rats' footage and Kevin's early Superman script. Oh yeah. at the time Mirimax just picked up Affleck's freshman scrip - Good Will somthing or other. Emjoy it!
While i was on i wanted to thank all of the Askew gang for working so hard on Vulgathon. I was lucky enough to go last time and had a really nice and fun filled day. Didn't have any luck last weekend, but hope to find success Saturday. You guys take a lot of crap sometimes, and i don't know how you don't just get bitter and cynical - instead you just keep giving. Thanks!
Take Care all.