Posted by PretzelFan at on November 10, 2001 at 04:42:10:
Just like big kev im excited, even though im not wearing a satin shirt made from the australia flag which looks as if helicopters maybe circling to land on me, and like all australians we're excited because of a DVD that came out yesterday.
Now this is a little off topic but it just goes on to show the committment that we have for all region dvds we believe that just because your living in a small island 6 miles off the coast of panama with region 5 3/4 you should have to swim to the mainland and back with a multiregion dvd strapped to your back as fend off sharks and other sealife with your home made bambo and seaweed sandles as you head back to your condominuim like shack so you can enjoy your favourite canadian teen melodrama box dvd set in the privacy of your own home. NO!
Last year we had a little do, a little backyard cricket style match there was a barbie, bit of flame, messing around in the pool. We invited some people over it was just a little thing you might of heard about it we called it the olympics. Now during this international tofu party we had this little show which was the running commentary as the tradegies, the TRADGIES and TRIUMPS as they happened each day. Like i say its only a little thing most australians will know what im talking about when i mention Roy and Hg and the Dream. Two weeks of CHAMPAGNE COMEDY... to do with that little games thing we had with some fellas heading over with mullets to do the 100metres run like a girl or something but thats not important.
What is important is that this little keepsake, this gold edition of australia tv sporting history which is now available on the digital verstile disc, so if you own the vcr version just burn it, its jsut crap now rush out and get the dvd edition. This goldmine is available and its available in ALL REGION FORMAT! Thats right Australia has issued the challenge to the world to in an effort of peace.... to unite everyone... to make us all happy go lucky we feel that we should unite as people under one region of dvd code.
One world! One Region! This is all we are saying, if we have more than one world, sure we can have more than one region maybe, go to mars and maybe get say a region.... two for example. just an idea, maybe we might want to have it as region three. Who knows that thats the challenge - its out there it in the court of the dvd maker/manufactures of the world for their response. And its upto us, thats all of us who feel that we need to get rid of that silly region thing to try and ask for all region dvds whenever you can.
Even if you dont need it, if your in region 1 and they have nothing but region 1 dvds in your local dvd stockist, just go up to the bloke at the counter, say "excuse me.... but i couldnt help but notice that your copy of that wonderful wonderful jay and silent bob strike back film that absolutely blew them away at the box office. It just scared them silly it was that good, there where critics just writing any old thing down because they didnt know how good it was they were like a deer in the headlights or a 3 year old on red cordial just not know whats happened." you say "excuse me, do you have this also available in a all region dvd" and when they politely reply "no." just jump on the counter and grab `em by the scruff of the neck and say "WELL WHY BLOODY NOT!"
This is just a thought its my take on how to make a world a better place. I believe that this is something the whole nation, no the whole world can take under their wing and just get into it. Viva la DVD! Viva la View Askew!