Posted by mr mook at on November 15, 2001 at 02:29:35:
In Reply to: Re: WHINING FROM AN AUSTRALIAN CRY-BABY posted by kauk_tion on November 15, 2001 at 02:11:38:
: Dude, shut the fuck up. Your not the only one whos disappointed
about the delay. But instead of getting angry look up the summaries.
: The reason it has been delayed is that Buena Vista believe that they
will make alot more money if they market the movie over the summer
holidays. It is a bad idea and will not work. Not to mention that I
havent seen any of this marketing.
: So redirect your anger at Buena Vista. Complain, get people you
know to compain and maybe they will push it forward. Arguing with
stubborn people is useless.
I can see where you are coming from but how bout you consider this
Where are these Summaries you refer to (provide a link perhaps?)?
Because ... this comes across as your opinion as to why Buena Vista
are pushing the film back, as opposed to say an official statement
from View Askew? So you can see why people in Australia may want
to receive something a bit more than the word of some anon user of
a chat board. The guys at view askew (bless em!) went and changed
the date of the Australian release on the web site, I guess what would
be great if they could add a brief explanation why as well (and if they
went to the trouble of recreating the image with the new date changes
they could put a quick html page together)? Doesn't seem too much
to ask. Beuna Vista may have delayed the release but View Askew
could let their fans know the reasons why????
I really don't understand where all this negativity has come from ....
please don't try and tell me you guys would not be asking the same
questions if the date was pushed back by 3 months (Someone would
have posted ASAP with an official response also).