Posted by boo boo kittie fuck at on November 15, 2001 at 03:35:20:
In Reply to: WHINING FROM AN AUSTRALIAN CRY-BABY posted by Hunter Truman on November 15, 2001 at 01:46:42:
...they make me wet....
: Ok, so we Australians are crybabies because our film distribution sucks! So why can't we bitch about it here?!
: If any Australians, like myself, were to get up today (Nov 15) and have one thing and one thing only planned for today (as I'm sure a lot of us did) and then were crushed to get to a cinema and find a blank stare in the face of our ticketsellers saying "Uh, I dunno why you can't see your stupid little movie. But while you're here, why don't you pre-book a group screening of Harry Potter?", you'd want to know what's going on.
: Hmmmm, most logical choice for me was to check out the website for our biggest cinema chain, who only have a TBA caption in the film's release date. The next step for any Aussie fan wanting answers would be to come here- the OFFICIAL website for KEVIN SMITH!!!
: And yes, here we found out the dreaded date of Feb 28.
: Perhaps this can explain it to all the American posters who don't want their board space taken up by angry Aussies. After all, New Jersey IS in YOUR country, what right do we have to enjoy the films and be disappointed when the release date is postponed suddenly without explanation?!
: Although I am a first-time poster, I have visited these boards before, and I do seem to recall a lot of AMERICANS antagonizing over release dates for this film and View Askew DVDs. Where were all the people saying "Oh stop complaining, just wait or download it off the net" then, huh? And on that note, WHY ON EARTH WOULD WE DOWNLOAD IT OFF THE NET?!
: We're not pissed at Kevin. We just want to know why we got screwed, and we figure someone here at View Askew might know what's going on and would explain why the people distrubuting THEIR film thought we should wait another 3 months. Downloading it from the net would just be ridiculous and unloyal.
: Perhaps then this proposal... Kevin, if you send me a copy of the film on video, I'll send you the $13.50 I would have spent on a movie ticket today. I want to see YOUR movie, I'll gladly pay YOU the money to see it in whatever form. Buena Vista can go jump.
: If any Americans feel left out of the bitching, WE here in Australia got to see all 6 episodes of the Clerks cartoon on free-to-air television. Feel free to complain about that.
: Sorry to get so long-winded.