Posted by RedShoes60 at on November 13, 2001 at 20:10:45:
Mr. Smith:
As I watch the career of Ben Affleck continue to climb skyward and the career of "Chasing Amy's" Jason Lee continue to rise as well, with no place to go but up considering his upcoming projects, including Fleth Won, I can't help but wonder if either you or Miramax have considered the possibility of a limited theatrical re-release of "Chasing Amy" in the event that Lee's career, too, hits super-stardom. (I've no doubt it will, not that superstardom is necessarily a tandem with talent or even something that most actors truly desire, but that's completely beside the point, isn't it?)
Seeing as how re-releasing movies is in vogue these days, it's just a thought that popped into my head the other day. Would this even be feasible, or, for that matter, something you, Mr. Lee, or Mr. Affleck (among other members of the cast, of course), would be interested in doing? I can't help but think that it could only be a positive situation for you, as it would draw more recent fans of Mr. Lee and Mr. Affleck to your work, and it would be a positive, too, for the two gentlemen in question by allowing them to share their fantastic work in a movie that they both, by all accounts, seemed to really enjoy, with newer fans who might not have otherwise heard of it.
Of course, on the other hand, isn't that what DVD is for, too?
More or less, I'm just wondering if the thought had ever crossed your mind, and, regardless, whether or not it's something you would even consider doing. My gut says no, because there's really not an extremely compelling reason that isn't financial. However... college tuition and diapers don't pay for themselves.
Hrm. That being said, I think I'll have to order some stuff from the Stash for Christmas. Can't have little miss Harley running around with no diapers and no prospects for a college education now, can I?
Thanks for your time and consideration, sir.
business major because he doesn't have the sac to go to film school