Re: crybabies...... quit whinin'....

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Posted by mr mook at on November 14, 2001 at 23:45:25:

In Reply to: crybabies...... quit whinin'.... posted by arabelle on November 14, 2001 at 23:14:07:

: kevin is the director & the writer & the actor... He does not........ I
repeat, HE DOES NOT, have any control of the release date...

: Now, if you really want it that bad... Buy it from the internet... QUIT
GOT TAKEN AWAY... If your old enough to post here, your old enough
to know that this is called a 'web board' not a 'whine board'....... ITS
GETTING OLD!!!! Take it like a man w/ balls and just wait....

: Patience is the best virtue...

: while your waiting... visit the SMITH-A-HOLIK site

All I can say to this is a Big FUCK YOU!
Nobodies blaming anyone in the posts for the postponement just
wanting to find out some answers. Release dates may not be set by
view askew but they can ring their distributor and say "A lot of our fans
are disappointed the release date has changed and we'd like to
explain to them why". They posted on their web site the change of
date, they must have got that from somewhere and perhaps there
was an explanation attached?????
Your bitchy little flame response is what's getting old and is totally
uncalled for... I don't think it is unreasonable to ask What the fuck?
after advertising a release date for months and then just changing it
to months later with no response.
You can take your 2 cents and shove them firmly up your arse!!!!

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